COVID-19 Update - SERO is open. We continue to consult, evaluate and treat patients and their families at our existing locations.

SERO Supports Dancing with the Stars for the Pink House

Posted on May 25, 2017 in Featured

Written by Bob Battista

SERO Supports Dancing with the Stars for the Pink House

Written By: SERO Staff

SERO Group recently supported the 2017 Dancing with the Stars for the Pink House event held on April 29, 2017, sponsoring Dr. Duncan Morton.  This year’s event was held in honor of Dr. Teresa Flippo-Morton.

Pictured:  Dr. Duncan Morton and Darinka Divljak

Pictured:  Dr. Carolina Fasola, with SERO and Dr. Duncan Morton

Pictured:  Dr. Nanna Sulai, Medical Oncologist with Levine Cancer Institute – SouthPark and Dr. Carolina Fasola