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Meet Scott Gasiorek, MD, November 2017 Physician of the Month

Posted on November 1, 2017 in Featured

Written by Bob Battista

Meet Scott Gasiorek, MD, November 2017 Physician of the Month

Written by: SERO Staff

We are proud of our physicians and all the fantastic work they do in our community. Over the next few months, we’ll be featuring interviews starting from our newest physician about life outside of the office.

This month, Scott Gasiorek, MD is our November 2017 Physician of the Month. Dr. Gasiorek has been with SERO Group since February 1, 2017, and treats patients at Watauga Medical Center in the Seby B. Jones Regional Cancer Center.

Tell Us About Your Family

I have been most happily married to my wife, Jeanne, a retired Radiation Therapist, for over 26 years.

We have two wonderful sons, Ian, age 24 and Austin, age 21. Ian is in graduate school at Texas A&M/ Galveston studying Marine Logistics and Austin is a senior at Florida State with plans for law school.

What Do You and Your Family Enjoy Doing When You Are Away From Work?

Our family loves to travel and we try to do as many outdoor activities as possible. We have gone diving and snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands, Bonaire, and the Great Barrier Reef. We have gone fishing and hiking in Alaska. I am a terrible snow skier but we have visited Colorado, Utah, Sugar and Beech Mountains, and even Chile!

We try to get back to Chicago, my birthplace and where I lived until age 18, several times a year to see family and enjoy one of the most dynamic cities in the world. We also watch and try to attend sporting events, especially of our favorite teams such as the Chicago Cubs, Chicago Blackhawks and of course the best college football team – the Miami Hurricanes. Go Canes!

In what little free time I have, I do enjoy the company of our dogs, Finn the yellow lab and Grizzly the German Shephard mix. Of course, they will certainly monopolize your time!

What Inspired You to Choose Your Specialty?

I was fortunate enough to rotate in Radiation Oncology as a senior medical student and never looked back. I had wonderful, dedicated professors and saw the care and help that they delivered to their patients. It was enough to make me stay as a resident in the program.

I have been practicing for 30 years and have no intention of retiring, God willing!  I especially enjoy the new technologies that continue to develop.

Do You Have a Favorite Movie, TV Series, or Book Series?

I enjoy watching a variety of television, including sporting events, educational programs, classic comedies such as Seinfeld, and classic movie – especially horror and science fiction movies like Frankenstein and Dracula.

Are There Any Other Interesting Facts About You That You Would Like to Share?

One hobby I still pursue is collecting Lionel Trains from the period when I was a child. There’s nothing like an electric train running under the Christmas tree!  I also enjoy maintaining and keeping aquariums and have kept saltwater fish tanks for almost 50 years!