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Meet Dr. John O. delCharco, MD, January 2019 Provider of the Month

Posted on January 1, 2019 in Featured

Written by Bob Battista

As we look forward to the endless possibilities and excitement of a new year, we are excited to continue our provider appreciation into 2019. We are proud to partner with medical professionals who make a positive impact in their community, occupation and personal lives. So, to kick off the new year, we thank Dr. John O. delCharco, MD, our January 2019 Provider of the Month.

Dr. delCharco practices radiation oncology at the SERO Group’s two Hickory locations – Catawba Valley Medical Center and Frye Regional Medical Center. Get to know Dr. delCharco here:

Tell Us About Yourself

I have been in Hickory practicing radiation oncology since I finished my training at Univ of Florida, 21 years ago (1997). My wife Tammy and I have four children, a graduate of UNC Chapel Hill, two in school at NC State and the youngest is a junior in high school. Our kids make us look like we know more about parenting then we do, they are each amazing. Tammy and I just celebrated our 28th anniversary.

When my wife and I were looking around the South for jobs, coming out of training, we visited Hickory, NC. Dr. Reggie Sigmon started a very successful practice here and was looking for someone to join him.  After meeting him and watching him in his clinic, I knew immediately this is where I wanted to practice radiation oncology and raise my family. Reggie practiced great medicine, and was very well liked by his patients. That is what I wanted in my practice, and I have enjoyed these 21 years. We were able to join our small group with SERO in 2014. They were physicians we had worked with over the years, and we had great respect for their practice. We have been grateful to have joined in seamlessly, and continue to appreciate the excellent camaraderie and care we can provide to our region.

What do you enjoy doing when you are away from work?

My favorite activities to enjoy outside of work include spending time with my family and fly fishing in the mountains!

Tell Us About Your Research Interests

John O. delCharco, MD | SERO Doctors | Charlotte, NC

I was introduced to radiation oncology from one of the founders of the field, Dr. Juan del Regato. In the 1950’s was one of the original founders of our society, ASTRO (The American Society for Radiation Oncology), and served as the first secretary. He is generally credited as having demonstrated the curability of unresectable prostate cancer, and having started residency programs in radiation oncology.  Sometime after I met him, I was talking to my father, a pathologist by training. He had lectures by Dr. del Regato when he was in training in Colorado!

I can say, I believe I have found the perfect specialty for me to practice. I was an engineering major, and radiation oncology is a science that essentially uses physics to help people. While very high tech in its delivery, the care I provide day-to-day and directly with patients is rewarding. I am a people person, so I am honored to enter peoples life in difficult times and provide hope and care.