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SERO Sponsored The 2019 World Citizen Award Dinner

Posted on June 27, 2019 in Announcement

Written by Bob Battista

Last month, the World Affairs Council of Charlotte hosted the 2019 World Citizen Award Dinner. This dinner is held to honor those who had impacted the local community in a profound way. This year, the dinner recognized Dr. Derek Raghavan, who is the President of Atrium Health’s Levine Cancer Institute (LCI). With multiple cancer treatment locations in the Carolinas, LCI is one of the leading cancer treatment organizations in the world and has helped countless families battle this terrible disease. The event was held on May 29th at the Hilton located in the Center City area of Charlotte.

THE 2019 World Citizen Award Recipient 

Dr. Derek Raghavan is the President of the Levine Cancer Institute at Atrium Health. As the leader of this impressive cancer treatment organization, Dr. Raghavan has helped lead an innovative approach to the treatment of cancer. 

A Pioneer in Cancer Research and Treatment

Many families experience tremendous boundaries when looking for high-quality healthcare including cultural background, distance from treatment locations and access to these treatment sites. At Levine Cancer Institute, Dr. Raghavan has worked hard to ensure that everyone afflicted by cancer has access to the highest quality care available. During his time at the Levine Cancer Institute, the organization has witnessed an unprecedented period of growth that has allowed their cancer centers to better serve the community.

In addition to his work with LCI, Dr. Raghavan has also served as the director of Cleveland Clinic’s Taussig Cancer Center. He has also spent time at the M. Frank and Margaret Domiter Rudy Institute. Dr. Raghavan is renowned internationally for his high-level research, having published more than 300 papers in well-respected, peer-reviewed journals. He has also served on the board of a myriad of medical journals and has been the lead investigator in more than a dozen major research projects.

Supreme Impact on the Local Community

Dr. Raghavan has had a tremendous impact on Charlotte and the Carolinas as a whole. Because of his international recognition, Dr. Raghavan’s presence makes this community an inviting place for newcomers, global businesses and cutting-edge healthcare research. The cultural and educational exchange that now takes place in the Charlotte area would not take place with people such as Dr. Raghavan who benefit the Charlotte area in countless ways. This event would not have happened without the support of individuals such as Dr. Raghavan. During the event, many people shared personal experiences that they had with Dr. Raghavan and the positive impact that he has had on their families. 

Sponsored by the SERO Group

The SERO Group also provided a Consul level of sponsorship for the event. Many of our premier oncologists who practice at multiple LCI locations attended the event in support of Dr. Raghavan. We look forward to seeing how Dr. Raghavan and the SERO Group continue to shape the treatment of cancer together in the future. Contact our friendly team to learn more, or browse our physician page to meet your local SERO radiation oncologists today.