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Meet Dr. Stuart Burri, SERO’s February Provider of the Month

Posted on March 2, 2022 in Physician of the Month

Written by Bob Battista

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At SERO, we are committed to fostering relationships that go beyond just providing care. It’s important for us to build connections with patients on a deeper level so our physicians can deliver exceptional personalized service. We believe the first step is getting to know our physicians outside of the office.

This month, we are excited to introduce Dr. Stuart H. Burri. Dr. Burri is one of our radiation oncologists serving the Levine Cancer Institute where he is also the Chairman of Radiation Oncology.  In 2000, Dr. Burri joined the SERO team after serving as the Chief Resident of Oncology at Emory University School of Medicine.

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Tell Us About Your Family.

I have been married for the better part of three decades to the amazing Amanda Hoyle Burri. We have three children, Emma, who is graduating from law school and will be working as a Federal Judicial Clerk, Graham, who is starting his career as a software engineer for Amazon, and Audrey, who is studying English and Marketing while rowing crew at Notre Dame.

What Do You and Your Family Enjoy Doing when You Are Away from Work?

We enjoy travel as a group, but that took a bit of a detour during the pandemic. Our collective favorite trip was a safari to Kenya several years ago.

What Inspired You to Choose Your Specialty?

I chose radiation oncology as a specialty partly because I find it very intellectually interesting – and it involves working with a highly expert team which suits my personality. I also really appreciate that radiation treatments are highly effective and can have a very beneficial role in the care of patients.

What Was Your Most Memorable Moment in Medical School?

Graduating was really my most memorable moment from medical school. I do not come from a medical family and it really felt momentous to walk across the stage. I still have a photo on my desk from that day to help remind me what a privilege it is to have the chance to practice medicine and play a role in such an important time in the life of someone else.

What Was Your First Job?

My first job was bagging groceries at a Kroger

Do You Have A Favorite Movie, Tv Series, or Book Series? Tell Us About What You’re Currently Watching or Reading!

My favorite movie is probably Good Will Hunting.  I recently finished reading Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Eiger.

Are There Any Hobbies You Dream About Getting into but Haven’t Yet?

I already “play” golf, but I dream of playing it well…

Do You Have A Specialty Within Radiation Oncology?

I am most interested in focused high dose radiation which is often used in tumors that have spread from other locations in the body, most specifically brain metastases which is my primary research focus. With focused radiation techniques, we are often able to eradicate tumors with little or no damage to surrounding normal tissues.
