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Meet Dr. Bradley McCall, MD, SERO’s May Provider of the Month

Posted on May 26, 2022 in Uncategorized

Written by Bob Battista

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At SERO, we understand that navigating a cancer diagnosis can be unnerving. That’s why we partner with highly skilled and compassionate providers. These medical professionals will do almost anything to ensure their patients make a successful recovery, from compiling online caregiver resources to fielding late-night questions about radiotherapy symptoms. 

With hopes of making patients feel more comfortable, our radiation oncologists are also willing to open up and offer insight into their personal lives. This month, we chatted with Dr. Bradley McCall, a SERO radiation oncologist with a passion for podcasts and green juice.

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What motivated you to become a radiation oncologist?

I was fortunate enough to have a mentor who was a close friend of my parents and a radiation oncologist. He allowed me to shadow him. After that, I knew this was the specialty I wanted to pursue. 

What do you love most about your job? 

My father, a Presbyterian minister, taught me the value and importance of helping others. Now, I am honored to be a physician and enjoy using my skills to help others. I feel fortunate to work with amazing partners, nurses, technicians, and support staff who collectively work together to ensure the highest quality of care for our patients.

Tell us a little more about your family. Do you have kids?

I feel blessed to share my life with my wife of 25 years and our four children. We have a son who graduated from college in December. He’s now working in Arizona. Our two daughters are both in out-of-state colleges, so it’s an extra treat when they are home for visits. Our youngest son is a freshman in high school and is looking forward to acquiring his driver’s license this summer. We also have a Havanese dog named Lexie. She weighs just under six pounds and is loved by all.

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What are your favorite restaurants in Charlotte?

If I could choose any meal, it would probably be a dinner complete with smoked meats and vegetable sides from Noble Smoke. I love how Jim Noble works with local farmers to access fresh produce and I admire all that he does in our community for others. Another favorite meal would be anything from Luna’s Living Kitchen in South End. My wife and I visited there recently and loved the nachos, veggie burger, and kale salad. I enjoy eating healthily and can often be found with green juice in hand.

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Did you have any after-school jobs growing up? 

My very first jobs included mowing lawns and delivering newspapers on my bicycle throughout the neighborhood. Getting up early was hard but rewarding. Some of my first purchases were a microscope and camping gear for scouting.

Do you have any hobbies? 

In my free time, I enjoy spending as much time with my family as I can. I also enjoy attending weekly services at our church. In addition, I love to exercise and enjoy spending time outdoors. I also enjoy listening to podcasts and researching a variety of topics of interest to me. I love to learn and am always seeking to grow in knowledge.
