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Men’s Health Week: June 11-17

Posted on June 10, 2018 in Cancer news

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Did you every June brings National Men’s Health Week?  We would like to take this opportunity to provide several great ways men can pay attention to their health and ensure they are taking care of themselves.  Being proactive and taking care of their body is one of the most important things a man can do to prevent cancers and stay healthy.

Leave the Tobacco Alone

This is something you hear time and time again, but tobacco can wreak havoc on your body. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 480,000 people in the US die each year from illnesses related to tobacco use. The American Cancer Society also notes that for a male smoker, tobacco can shorten their life by 12 years. Quitting smoking and tobacco use can be difficult, but cutting out this habit can have drastic effects on a man’s quality of life and greatly improve their health.

Healthy Eating Isn’t for the Birds

A healthy and balanced diet can impact many facets of a man’s health, including decreasing the risk for cancer and other health issues. Studies have linked being overweight or obese to higher risk of aggressive forms of prostate cancer, liver cancer, and kidney and pancreatic cancer. Simple changes like decreasing soda intake, eating more fruits and vegetables, and limiting carbs can have the greatest impact on weight, and overall will lead to a more balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Cancer Screenings and Tests

There are certain cancers that only impact men or have a higher chances of being found in men. These can include prostate, skin, colon, and lung cancers. Many of these increase in risk as a man gets older. In order to catch issues early and stay healthy it is important for men to schedule regular visits to doctors and specialists. This can include getting a colonoscopy every 10 years, staying current on visits to your primary care doctor, and make sure you have a full understanding of your family history so that your doctors are aware.