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SERO List of All 2015 Abstracts and Publications

Posted on March 3, 2016 in Abstracts & Publications

Written by Bob Battista

SERO List of All 2015 Abstracts and Publications

Written By: Dr. Chuck Meakin

Peer Reviewed Manuscript Publications:

  • Patel KR, Burri SH, Asher AL, Crocker IR, Fraser RW, Zhang C, Chen Z, Kandula S, Zhong J, Press RH, Olson JJ, Oyesiku NM, Wait SD, Curran WJ, Shu HK, Prabhu RS. Comparing Pre-operative to Post-operative Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Resectable Brain Metastases: A Multi-institutional Analysis. Neurosurgery. November 2, 2015. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Prabhu RS, Cassidy RJ, Landry JC. Radiation therapy and neutropenia. Curr Probl Cancer 2015;39:292-296.
  • Press RH, Prabhu RS, Nickleach DC, Liu Y, Shu HK, Kandula S, Patel KR, Curran WJ, Crocker I. Novel risk stratification score for predicting early distant brain failure and salvage whole-brain radiotherapy after stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases. Cancer 2015;121:3836-3843.
  • Jegadeesh N, Liu Y, Prabhu RS, Magliocca KR, Marcus DM, Higgins KA, Vainshtein JM, Trad Wadsworth J, Beitler JJ. Outcomes and prognostic factors in modern era management of major salivary gland cancer. Oral Oncol 2015;51:770-777.
  • Burri SH, Prabhu RS, Sumrall AL, Brick W, Blaker BD, Heideman BE, Jr., Boltes P, Kelly R, Symanowski JT, Wiggins WF, Ashby L, Norton HJ, Judy K, Asher AL. BCNU wafer placement with temozolomide (TMZ) in the immediate postoperative period after tumor resection followed by radiation therapy with TMZ in patients with newly diagnosed high grade glioma: final results of a prospective, multi-institutional, phase II trial. J Neurooncol 2015;123:259-266.
  • Eaton BR, LaRiviere MJ, Kim S, Prabhu RS, Patel K, Kandula S, Oyesiku N, Olson J, Curran W, Shu HK, Crocker I. Hypofractionated radiosurgery has a better safety profile than single fraction radiosurgery for large resected brain metastases. J Neurooncol 2015;123:103-111.
  • Landry JC, Feng Y, Prabhu RS, Cohen SJ, Staley CA, Whittington R, Sigurdson ER, Nimeiri H, Verma U, Benson AB. Phase II Trial of Preoperative Radiation With Concurrent Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin, and Bevacizumab Followed by Surgery and Postoperative 5-Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, Oxaliplatin (FOLFOX), and Bevacizumab in Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: 5-Year Clinical Outcomes ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group E3204. Oncologist 2015;20:615-616.
  • Wait SD*, Prabhu RS*, Burri SH, Atkins TG, Asher AL. Polymeric drug delivery for the treatment of glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol 2015;17 Suppl 2:ii9-ii23.
    *Shared co-first authorship
  • Kandula S, Sutter A, Prabhu RS, Jegadeesh N, Esiashvili N. Reassessing dose constraints of organs at risk in children with abdominal neuroblastoma treated with definitive radiation therapy: a correlation with late toxicity. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2015;62:970-975.
  • Jegadeesh NK, Kim S, Prabhu RS, Oprea GM, Yu DS, Godette KG, Zelnak AB, Mister D, Switchenko JM, Torres MA. The 21-gene recurrence score and locoregional recurrence in breast cancer patients. Ann Surg Oncol 2015;22:1088-1094.
  • Kandula S, Prabhu RS, Nanda R, Switchenko JM, Cash T, Qayed M, Katzenstein H, Esiashvili N. Outcomes After Radiation Therapy to Metastatic Sites in Patients With Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2015;37:175-180.
  • Prabhu RS, Hanasoge S, Magliocca KR, Hall WA, Chen SA, Higgins KA, Saba NF, El-Deiry M, Grist W, Wadsworth JT, Chen AY, Beitler JJ. Lymph node ratio influence on risk of head and neck cancer locoregional recurrence after initial surgical resection: implications for adjuvant therapy. Head Neck 2015;37:777-782.
  • Simone CB, 2nd, Burri SH, Heinzerling JH. Novel radiotherapy approaches for lung cancer: combining radiation therapy with targeted and immunotherapies. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2015;4:545-552.

Peer Reviewed Abstracts

  • Brown PD, Asher AL, Ballman KV, Farace E, Cerhan JH, Anderson SK, Carrero XW, Barker FG, Deming RL, Burri S, Menard C, Chung C, Stieber VW, Pollock BE, Galanis E, Buckner JC, Jaeckle KA. NCCTG N0574 (Alliance): A phase III randomized trial of whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) in addition to radiosurgery (SRS) in patients with 1 to 3 brain metastases. ASCO Meeting Abstracts 2015;33:LBA4.
  • Patel K, Asher A, Burri SH, Fraser RW, Kandula S, Press RH, Chen Z, Zhang C, Hadjipanayis CG, Olson J, Oyesiku N, Curran WJ, Jr., Shu HKG, Crocker IR, Prabhu RS. Comparing Preoperative Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) to Postoperative SRS for Resectable Brain Metastases. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics;93:S38-S39.
  • Prabhu RS, Feng Y, Landry JC, Cohen SJ, Staley CA, Whittington R, Sigurdson ER, Nimeiri H, Verma U, Benson AB. Phase 2 Trial of Preoperative Radiation With Concurrent Capecitabine, Oxaliplatin, and Bevacizumab Followed by Surgery and Postoperative 5-FU, Leucovorin, Oxaliplatin (FOLFOX), and Bevacizumab in Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: ECOG 3204. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics;93:S126-S127.
  • Okwan-Duodu D, Patel K, Zhong J, Prabhu RS, Eaton BR, Olson J, Shu HKG, Curran WJ, Jr., Crocker IR. Impact of Angiotensin Blockade on Symptomatic Radiation Necrosis Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics;93:E360.
  • Prabhu RS, Patel KR, Burri SH, Crocker IR, Fraser RW, Zhang C, Chen Z, Kandula S, Zhong J, Press RH, Olson JJ, Oyesiku NM, Wait SD, Curran WJ, Shu HK, Asher AL. Patterns of Recurrence and Toxicity for Pre-operative versus Post-operative Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) for Resected Brain Metastases: A Multi-Institutional Analysis. Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting 2015. Section on Tumors, Neurosurgical Forum.
  • Moeller BJ, Liang M, Bobo WE, Thakkar VV, McCammon RJ, Gant DA, Fraser RW, Burri SH. Rotational Peer Review: Prospective Evaluation of a Novel Physician Peer Review Model in Radiation Oncology. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics;93:E493-E494.
  • Crimaldi AJ, II, Walsh J, Symanowski J, Haake MR, McHaffie DR, Sharp HJ, Moeller BJ, Thakkar VV, McCammon RJ, Prabhu RS, Mitro GC, Konefal J, Trautmann TG, Plunkett SR, Fraser RW, Burri SH. Treatment (TX) of Dupuytren’s Contracture (DC) and Ledderhose Disease (LD) With Radiation Therapy (RT). International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics;93:E467.
  • Fasola C, Kapp DS, Kidd EA. Radiation for Localized Ovarian Cancer Shows Benefits of Dose Escalation and for Treating Lymph Node Regions. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics;93:E290.