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Welcome SERO’s Newest Radiation Oncologist

Posted on March 17, 2022 in Announcement

Written by Bob Battista

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Welcome SERO’s Newest Radiation Oncologist

SERO’s team of experienced professionals delivers exceptional care to patients throughout the Charlotte area. To further this mission, Dr. Gordon Guo joins SERO as a capable radiation oncologist.

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Meet Gordon Guo, MD

Dr. Guo brings decades of expertise from his strong academic and clinical backgrounds. Prior to joining SERO, he served as an assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University and brachytherapy service chief in the University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center. Outside of his time in the classroom and hospital, he served as a principal investigator for impactful clinical trials.

Dr. Guo’s passion for treating patients can be seen through his time at the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center. Along with teaching as an assistant professor, he served as the service chief in the GU/GYN radiation oncology services. He gained a wealth of experience and expertise in these disease sites. For example, he reported excellent clinical outcomes in a cohort of cervix cancer patients treated definitely with chemo radiotherapy. During his time with Indiana University Health, Dr. Guo built a high-volume GU service and prostate brachytherapy program.

As a board-certified radiation oncologist, Dr. Guo earned his Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of Toronto. Following his degree, he completed a radiation oncology residency at the University of Manitoba and brachytherapy fellowship at Mount Sinai Beth Israel. Through intensive training, Dr. Guo displays clinical expertise in various treatments to best help patients. He has particular interests in H&N, thoracic, GU, and GYN cancers.

Dr. Guo looks forward to applying his clinical knowledge to best help treat patients alongside the rest of the care team at SERO.